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  • Writer's pictureMegon Dee

Common pregnancy concerns

Updated: Feb 13, 2023

Most pregnancies occur without complications. However, some women who are pregnant will experience complications that can involve their health, their baby’s health, or both. Sometimes, diseases or conditions the mother had before she became pregnant can lead to complications during pregnancy. Some complications occur during delivery.

Pregnancy is an exciting time for expectant mothers, but it can also be a time filled with worries and concerns. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common pregnancy concerns and provide tips on how to cope with them.

“If you already have a chronic condition or illness, talk to your doctor about how to minimize any complications before you get pregnant. If you’re already pregnant, your doctor may need to monitor your pregnancy.”

Even with complications, early detection and prenatal care can reduce any further risk to you and your baby. If you already have a chronic condition or illness, talk to your doctor about how to minimize any complications before you get pregnant. If you’re already pregnant, your doctor may need to monitor your pregnancy.

5 Common pregnancy concerns

1. Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy. It can last all day and can make eating and drinking difficult. To help with this, it is recommended to eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day, avoid foods that trigger nausea, and drink plenty of fluids. Ginger and vitamin B6 supplements can also help alleviate symptoms. Cannabinoids and hemp are helpful with suppressing morning sickness.

2. Weight Gain & Weight Loss

Many expectant mothers worry about how much weight they should gain during pregnancy. It is important to remember that every woman's body is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to weight gain. The Institute of Medicine recommends that women with a healthy pre-pregnancy weight gain between 25-35 pounds during pregnancy. You may well lose some weight without even trying, particularly in your first trimester. Early on in your pregnancy, nausea can diminish your appetite. You may lose some calories if you're unlucky enough to suffer from vomiting.

3. Labor and Delivery

The thought of labor and delivery can be overwhelming for many women. It is important to educate yourself about the process and to have a support system in place, whether it be your partner, family member, or friend. You can also consider taking a childbirth education class to help you feel more prepared.

4. Postpartum Recovery

After giving birth, many mothers are concerned about their postpartum recovery. It is important to give yourself time to heal and to listen to your body. You can also talk to your doctor about any concerns and follow their recommended postpartum care plan.

5. Baby's Development

Expectant mothers may worry about their baby's development and whether they are growing and developing as they should. Regular prenatal check-ups and prenatal tests can help reassure mothers that their baby is on track. It is also important to remember that every baby is unique and develops at their own pace.

Other common pregnancy concerns include:

  • high blood pressure

  • gestational diabetes

  • preeclampsia

  • preterm labor

  • a loss of pregnancy, or miscarriage

High blood pressure

High blood pressure occurs when the arteries that carry blood from the heart to the organs and the placenta are narrowed. High blood pressure is associated with a higher risk of many other complications, like preeclampsia. It puts you at a higher risk of having a baby well before your due date. This is called preterm delivery. It also increases your risk of having a baby who’s small. It’s important to control your blood pressure with medications during pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes occurs when your body cannot process sugars effectively. This leads to higher-than-normal levels of sugar in the bloodstream. Some women will need to modify their meal plans to help control blood sugar levels. Others may need to take insulin to keep their blood sugar levels in control. Gestational diabetes usually resolves after pregnancy.


Preeclampsia is also called toxemia. It occurs after the first 20 weeks of a pregnancy and causes high blood pressure and possible problems with your kidneys. The recommended treatment for preeclampsia is delivery of the baby and placenta to prevent the disease from progressing. Your doctor will discuss the risks and benefits regarding timing of delivery. Your doctor may induce labor if you’re 37 to 40 weeks pregnant.

If it’s too early to deliver your baby, your doctor will need to monitor you and your baby closely. They may prescribe medications to help lower your blood pressure and help the baby mature if you are not full term. You may be hospitalized for monitoring and care.

Preterm labor

Preterm labor occurs when you go into labor before week 37 of your pregnancy. This is before your baby’s organs, such as the lungs and the brain, have finished developing. Certain medications can stop labor. Doctors usually recommend bed rest to keep the baby from being born too early.


A miscarriage is the loss of pregnancy during the first 20 weeks. According to the American Pregnancy Association (APA), up to 20 percent of pregnancies among healthy women will end in a miscarriage. Sometimes, this happens before a woman is even aware of the pregnancy. In most cases, miscarriage isn’t preventable.

A loss of pregnancy after week 20 of pregnancy is called a stillbirth. Many times the cause for this isn’t known. Issues that have been found to cause stillbirths include:

  • problems with the placenta

  • chronic health issues in the mother

  • infections

If you’re pregnant, don’t hesitate to call your doctor if there are any signs of a problem. Call your doctor right away if you experience any of the following:

  • bleeding from the vagina

  • sudden swelling of the hands or face

  • a pain in the abdomen

  • a fever

  • severe headaches

  • dizziness

  • persistent vomiting

  • blurred vision

You should also call your doctor if you think your baby is suddenly moving less often than usual during the third trimester.

In conclusion, pregnancy can bring up a range of concerns and worries, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. Seeking support from loved ones, healthcare providers, and educational resources can help you navigate this exciting time with confidence.


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